How to become a better lover

an individual workshop for women

This workshop comes from the Tantra and Tao approach to sexuality and my experience of a Tantra masseuse. It is for women who want to develop their love art in privacy.

For women who:

  • want to improve in love art,
  • want to understand genitals of their partner and wish to learn to listen to them,
  • don´t know how to touch genitals and want to be sure,
  • are open to new areas of sexuality.

Praktický workshop pro ženy

Practical 5 hour workshop teaches the approach to male genitals, basic anatomy but also offers practice. You will learn genital touch on a life model so you can leave as an experienced lover. Stella offers an individual approach, she will answer your questions and she will give an advice in areas you are interested in.

Genitals are understood as a heart of man where the journey to his real heart begins. Women, who fully accept lingam-penis, have then the gate to the heart of his beloved opened. Lingam is very often something which arises negative emotions, respect or in the best case, the arousal.

What lingam means for the men?

Lingam is not only any part of the body. It is much, much more. It is reflexion of himself and his live strength. It is the honour of masculinity in him, his reproductive and creative energy.

Berry Long, a spiritual teacher sad:
„There are two ways to arouse penis - by emotions or by love.”

Our journey will be the second one… How we know well, what we give, then we get. In my own experience men are for a loving attention to their lingam endlessly grateful.

In safe women circle you will learn a lot of practical information. We will share together, create accept and listen to intimate testimonies of man-indirectly, and then mainly practice a conscious touch (we will use a sex toy) and its different possibilities. Lingam can be touched and honoured in different ways. Some of them we will practically learn.

For reading references of participants, visit our site References (section workshop).

How to become a better lover - individual course

Duration:  5 hours (individual lesson)
Price:  350 € (price is final if you bring your own model, otherwise it will increase by 25 € = 375 € total) 
Date:  according to agreement (contact me)

Stella is the experienced tantra teacher, who has changed intimate lives of many men and women.
She speaks very good English.