The dates of massages

Our team is ready to give you the massage daily. We will kindly inform you about the name of the masseuse or the masseur that will be available for you at the selected time by the ordering.

The dates of massages, please book via the e-mail or by mobile phone (see contact). When you make an order, please, tell us your name, type of the massage, the day and the preferred hour.

Notice:  The latest start of the massage is at 19:30!

Tantra massages

Description of the Tantra massages

Divine Tantra massage

Duration of the massage 120 min. (The price: see actual price list)
This massage is provided by masseuses Elen, Veronika

Is our special created ritual massage in which we use only our hands with the focus on meditative, conscious and slow touch. Our aim is to encourage your self-honour and self-love as a divine being through our loving care.

Each body part is appreciated, your energy is waken up and then calmed down in a slow meditative motion so you can feel the regular rhythm of our touch, which brings harmony and safety.

Part of the massage is the genital massage - your sacred space, which brings sexual energy, the core of life energy. Massage has several parts, in standing and different lying positions.

Our massage brings uplifting feeling full of harmony.

Intuitive Tantra massage

Duration of the massage 90, 120, 150 min. (The price: see actual price list)
This massage is provided by masseuses Elen, Veronika and by the masseurs Tom, Vladimír

Intuitive Tantra massage is the massage without the set structure.

It is a sensual whole body massage including the genitals when a masseuse or a masseur led by her or his own intuition touches and massages the body parts how she or he feels it in the moment. The massage will be different with each masseuse/masseur since she/he can apply all her/his skills gained on her/his own spiritual journey.

With all of them it will be the total spoiling of your body and spirit when you can let go and dive into the experience.

We offer different legth from 1,5 hour, 2 hour or 2,5 hour massage.

Tantra massages

Tantra drop

Duration of the massage 90 min. (The price: see actual price list)
This massage is provided by masseuses Andrea, Elen and by the masseur Vladimír

Tantra drop

As a drop of water, which will refresh you, this massage will give you a taste of sensuality, will open new possibilities, and will offer you a new point of view on sexuality. You will be introduced to the gentleness and full attention of Tantra touch. You will be spoilt by feathers and gentle and loving touch.

This massage doesn’t include the area of genitals.

Tantra spring

Duration of the massage 90 min. (The price: see actual price list)
This massage is provided by masseuses Andrea, Elen and by the masseur Vladimír

You are coming to the spring, to the new source of your sexuality. This sensual ritual massage will relax your body from tension… Your body will get the maximum of attention and it will slowly open to intimacy… Different types of touch are used, feathers, fur, to get rid of stress and you are led to open to the bliss.

Shorter massage of genitals is included at the end of this massage.

Tantra river

Duration of the massage 120 min. (The price: see actual price list)
This massage is provided by masseuses Andrea, Elen, Veronika and by the masseurs Tom, Vladimír

If you allow your body time and you devote yourself to the hands of the masseuse or the masseur, you will forget the time and the place… Your energy will have the space to become the river, it will flow… You will mainly appreciate the inner state of harmony and total relaxation…

The longer massage of genitals is included at the end of the massage. If you wish we offer you a short massage of the prostate.

Tantra sea

Duration of the massage 180 min. (The price: see actual price list)
This massage is provided by masseuses Andrea, Elen, Veronika and by the masseurs Tom, Vladimír

This ritual gives the time for all parts of your body to be spoilt. Each cell will have the chance to enjoy itself. Your whole body will vibrate by pleasure and delight; you will become the sea of energy. The magic of Tantra will lead you out of this world. Using your breath you can open to a different state of the consciousness. You will be charged by energy and totally relaxed.

Lots of time is devoted to the massage of genitals and prostate.

Tantra sensual ocean

Duration of the massage 240 min. (The price: see actual price list)
This massage is provided by masseuses Elen, Veronika and by the masseurs Tom, Vladimír

The masseuse or masseur will open your senses and prepare them for the next experience of Tantra massage… you will taste two rituals at once. The first one will prepare your senses smell, taste, sight and hearing. These senses will be totally awake and you will sail on the waves of vast Tantra ocean. The next delight will follow and it will be the long Tantra massage. There will be enough time devoted to the massage of yoni or lingam and prostate. You will be spoilt endlessly by tender strokes. The time will stop and you will dissolve in the caring wave of the ocean. Your body is the temple of your soul, which will be pleased that it is treated this way.

You will feel alive, joyful and full of vibrating energy. You will experience something you have never experienced before.

Tantra massages

Healing massages

Tantra healing touch

Duration of the massage 90 min. (The price: see actual price list)
This massage is provided by masseuses Elen

This massage is prepared to bring feelings of total trust. It is such a caressing and soothing touch that it will caress especially your heart. We don´t work with sexual energy here, but the masseuse or masseur will empathize with the client and take care of the parts of body where this touch is needed. The space for trust and feeling of security is opened, the feelings, which the baby has in the hands of the mother. Total harmony and relaxation come. The body removes the stress and the time stops. The healing is provided there where the soul and the body need it.

Vaginal mapping

Duration of the massage 120 min. (The price: see actual price list)
This massage is provided by masseuses Elen

Vaginal mapping is the intensive healing process.

It is a gentle and conscious massage of female genitals. It is a slow and very sensitive way. The points in the vagina get rid of pain, tension and some part wake up from the sleep and the aliveness is brought to the whole pelvic floor step by step.

The receiver is in the contact with the place through the breath and sound and she expresses the feelings, which are triggered by each point. The cries, anger, sadness sometimes appear or the place can feel kind of dead and wakes up or the woman can physically feel how the tension of the tissue is released. Emotions, which come can be fully expressed. The total awareness of the points gives the opportunity to be in contact with the vagina and the woman can fully feel it as her part. The receiver is the one who sets the speed of mapping, the length of touch and its intensity.

During the mapping the armoring of the place, which was created there during negative life experience and it protected the woman when it was needed against the pain at that moment is dissolving. This armoring is not needed anymore but still stays in the body and becomes the barrier to the full experience of sexuality. When this armoring is dissolved a woman can contact her female power, sensitivity and sexuality again.

... more info on the site dedicated to Vaginal mapping.

Tantra massages

Health Elixir for men

Healing prostate massage and reflexology lingam massage

Duration of the massage 60 min. (The price: see actual price list)
This massage is provided by masseuses Elen

This massage is an offer for men who want to take care of their body and especially of their prostate. This massage is not by all means erotic but purely healing. During reflexology massage of lingam there is no ejaculation bud the energy is spread by a Big draw. It is a simple Tao technique, which you will learn before the massage.

Massage is prepared in a way that you will enjoy a lot of bliss and your prostate will be healed simultaneously. It is a delicate connection of reflexology massage of a lingam and a direct prostate massage.

Massage can be divided into two parts. In the first part the prostate is stimulated indirectly and in the second part directly. During the whole massage the pelvis gets more blood, the tension is released so the lingam gets more blood and the erection is improved.

The masseuse starts with short relaxation of the whole body. Then according to Tao tradition, masseuse will do reflexology lingam massage so she massages prostate indirectly which strengthens this way. According to Chinese medicine the reflexological zones are on the penis and they reflex different parts of the body and the inner organs. Then she continues to the bottom, which is relaxed and prepared for the intimate entry to the anus. All is done very sensitively and step by step, so the stress cumulated around the rosette (according to Tantra vocabulary) is diminished and dissolved. This part of the massage takes from 20-30 minutes.

If the massage is prevention, then it is recommended once or twice a month. If you have a problem the best frequency is once a week. In case of acute problem the massage is recommended once in 3-4 days.
The symptoms usually diminishes after 5-7 session.